Un long-métrage documentaire de MARIANNE LÈRE-LAFFITTE
C’est la version moderne de David contre Goliath : l'histoire de trois représentants du personnel qui se sont battus contre un géant industriel pour la survie de leur usine. Avec à la clé, un projet plus écologique. Chapelle Darblay est la dernière usine à fabriquer du papier journal 100% recyclé en France. À l’arrêt depuis juin 2020, elle est menacée de fermer définitivement. Soutenus par le collectif Plus Jamais Ça, réunissant plusieurs organisations dont Greenpeace et le syndicat de la CGT, nos trois héros des temps modernes ont déjoué la mort annoncée de Chapelle Darblay. À chaque étape de cette lutte, Marianne Lère-Laffitte était présente, caméra au poing. Toutes les séances de L'USINE, LE BON, LA BRUTE ET LE TRUAND près de chez vousThe industrial soap opera L'USINE, LE BON, LA BRUTE ET LE TRUAND. |
Vive le travail
2020 | |
A two-part TV documentary (2X52’), directed by Marianne Lère-Laffitte, coproduced with Schuch Productions and Arte France, distributed by CLPB Rights (2020). First airing date April 27, 2021. The subject of work gives rise to many opinions and raises numerous questions on the role that men and women can play in our society. Our film focuses on several workers established in France, Germany and the United Kingdom. Each of them embodies work-related issues of today. |
Betty Boop For Ever |
2019 | |
A TV documentary (52’) directed by Claire Duguet, coproduced with Schuch Productions and Arte France, distributed by CLPB Rights (2019). 90 years old, and not a wrinkle! Our film unveils the story of Betty with notably prestigious contributors ranging from the great-granddaughter of Max Fleischer, the creator of Betty Boop; the renowned stylist Chantal Thomass; to the young singer and performer artists Melissa Laveaux and Viktoria Modesta. |
L'âme du vin
2019 | |
A feature length film (90’) directed by Marie-Ange Gorbanevsky, coproduced with Schuch Productions and 127 Wall, distributed by Nour Films in France, French theatrical release: November 13, 2019. The film follows the making of the greatest wines in Burgundy: Romanée-Conti, Puligny-Montrachet etc; winegrowers, sommeliers, chefs from all over the world explain to us how this part of France has kept the secret about making the greatest wines in the world. An impressionist cinematographic journey. |
Christian Bobin,
2018 | |
A TV documentary (52’), directed by Claude Clorennec in co-production with CFRT, with the participation of France 3 Bourgogne Franche-Comté (2018). French writer Christian Bobin aslo known as "the hermit of Le Creusot" is an enigma. He is the most discreet amongst French writers, and yet the most loved by French readers. This film is the first portrait of this mysterious character who enjoys his solitude, away from the tumult of the modern world. |
Id Wahda,
2013 | |
A 26 minute documentary written and directed by Florence Tran. With the participation of France Télévisions and aired on October 8th, 2013. The Coptic community represents a small percentage of the Egyptian population. These eastern Christians are subject to a variety of social injustices. For the past 1400 years, a question arises again and again, unresolved: is it possible for Christians and Muslims to live side by side respecting one another? Is it utopian to believe in a real dialogue between these two communities? |
Une arme de choix
2011 | |
A 43 minute documentary directed by Florence Tran, with the participation of France Télévisions. International distribution by mk2. Filmed between May and December 2011, Weapon of Choice explores how filmmakers take action, through fiction, documentaries or citizen journalism, in the long and difficult process of revolutionary transformation. With Ibrahim El Batout, Ayten Amin, Wael Omar, Khaled Abdalla, Amr Salama, Mohamed Diab and Karim El Shenawy. |